Thursday, September 19, 2024

Arnold Cleveland to appear at Fort Okanogan Center


BREWSTER – Colville Confederated Tribal member Arnold Cleveland will be the featured speaker at the Fort Okanogan Interpretive Center at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29. The Interpretive Center is located at 14379 Highway 17 in Brewster near the junction of State Route 17 with U.S. 97.

Arnold will share stories of his youth growing up as a native on and off the Colville Reservation that included time at St. Mary’s Mission and traveling with his family on the “fruit tramp circuit” as Cleveland describes it.

Cleveland’s mother worked in the fruit packing sheds when he was a baby tucked in a wooden apple box by her side.

For more information about the Fort Okanogan Interpretive Center, visit Fort Okanogan Interpretive Center on Facebook, email or call (509) 689-6665.


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