Thursday, September 19, 2024

WSU Tree Fruit Extension announces winter education

NCW - WSU Tree Fruit Extension will provide a variety of learning opportunities this fall and winter in order to continue to bring growers research-based information while maintaining your safety from Covid-19. Opportunities will include webinar series, intensive workshops, recorded trainings for pesticide credits and short mini-modules. Save the dates now and we look forward to learning with you this winter.
WSU Tree Fruit Winter Virtual Institute
Webinar series, intensive workshops, recorded trainings for pesticide credits and short mini-modules.
Designed to provide information on key horticulture and pest management topics impacting your profitability in the short and long term. Sign up will be for individual 30 or 50 min webinar topics. No fee to attend.
WSU-OSU Webinar Series
Dates: Monthly
Contacts: Bernardita Sallato, WSU Extension,; Ashley Thompson, OSU Extension,; Matthew Whiting, WSU Horticulture
Tree Fruit Days Webinar Series Co-sponsors NCW Fieldmen’s Association, NW Pears, NW Cherries
Dates: January 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, 2021 @ 9:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm
Contact: Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, (509) 293-8758,
Topics will include: Organic Mildew Management, Pear IPM, X-disease and Little Cherry Virus Management, Area-wide Codling Moth Management, Mating Disruption as a Basis for Apple IPM, New Varieties, The Labor Piece of the Production Puzzle, Matching Rootstocks to Scions and Soils. 5 pesticide update credits available.
Registration: (coming soon)
Topic focused, audience limited, multiple piece workshops with discussions.
Soil Health Workshop: How do We Measure and Manage Soil Health for Productive Orchards?
Dates: November 4 and 5, 2020 @ 9:00 am to noon
This online workshop will include recorded demonstrations with live commentary and discussion sessions.
Contact: Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, (509) 293-8758,
Registration: This online workshop will include recorded demonstrations with live commentary and discussion sessions. 
Farm Financial Literacy 
Dates: TBA Jan-Feb 2021
This multi-part series is designed for growers who want to seriously investigate and improve their farm financial literacy and fitness.
Contact: Karen Lewis, WSU Extension, (509) 754-2011
Registration: (coming soon)
Produce Safety Grower Training Curriculum
The PSA Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy the FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirement. Two half-day afternoon sessions online with a total of seven hours of training.
Dates: Nov 16-17, Nov 30-Dec 1, Dec 14-15, Jan 26-27, Feb 8-9, Feb 22-23
Contact: Faith Critzer, WSU Food Safety (509) 786-9203
Registration: (coming soon)
Each course is $15, requires at least 50 minutes to complete and qualifies for one recertification credit. Courses are available at Hundreds of courses are available. WSU Tree Fruit Extension is working on new courses for sprayer optimization, fire blight and codling moth to be available in 2021. Contact:  Becky Maguire 253-445-4595 or Kristi Boone at 509-335-2952
Short videos available at beginning Jan 10, 2021. Visit our library for hundreds of archived videos. 
Solid Set Canopy Deliver System: Culmination of multiyear project - WSU and MSU collaboration
Fire Blight Management Basics – Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension
Matching Rootstocks to Your Goals and Site: Case Studies – Jenny Bolivar, WSU Extension
X-disease and Little Cherry Virus Vector Management – Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology** 
Symptoms of X-disease and Little Cherry Virus – Scott Harper, WSU Pathology**
Crop Load in Apple – A Year-round Program - Karen Lewis, WSU Extension**
Night-time Apple Harvest – Karen Lewis – Karen Lewis, WSU Extension
How to Build a Soil Pit to Evaluate and Improve your Apple Orchard – Bernardita Sallato, WSU Extension
**Available in Spanish.


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