Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Cade Gebbers remembered at Brewster-Wahluke football game

Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare has 24 Hour Crisis Line for those who need help


Editor’s Note: Cade W. Gebbers, 19, of Brewster and a senior at Brewster High School passed away on March 17, 2021.

The Gebbers family will hold a Celebration of Life to honor their son, Cade William Gebbers on Saturday, March 27 at the Brewster High School at 1 pm.

In lieu of flowers, they would request that all donations, if you feel led, be made to Only7Seconds. A non-profit created to support suicide awareness.

The information below is from the Brewster School District’s Facebook page

BELOW IS THE CRISIS HOTLINE FOR OKANOGAN BEHAVIOR HEALTHCARE.  If you or someone you know need help, please call.
Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare, 24 Hour Crisis Line 1-866-826-6191, English/Spanish

BREWSTER - The Brewster Bear Family lost one its very own yesterday (March 17) Cade Gebbers will forever be remembered as a loving son, great friend and wonderful teammate. He brought so much life, joy and charisma to those that knew him on and off the court. He will be sorely missed and our hearts are broken. Prayers for their family and our community are greatly appreciated.

Cade’s family, the Brewster School District, our community, our county and even further reaches mourn the loss of a child, student, family member, and friend.  One of the best ways to honor Cade is to do the best we can to educate others on suicide.  So that others are not left in this mournful state wishing we could have done something to prevent it.  
As in all schools, suicide awareness is taught, with on-going reminders.  However, as one may expect when a situation arises, it also brings on heighten awareness.  One of the most important areas of heighten awareness at this time, should be in this area of suicide contagion or imitation.
Contagion is the process by which the suicidal behavior or a suicide, influences an increase in the suicidal behaviors of others. Causing an increase in potential imitation events.  It is important to be watchful of our love ones for suicidal indicators.
Some indicators to consider:
Important Words for Parents/Caregivers:
• We need to be extra watchful of our children for the next 6-8 weeks
• No one should be left alone if they don’t want to be
• Parents and caregivers, we need to slow down and spend extra time being present with our children
Signs to watch for:
• Any changes in your child’s behavior
• Isolating
• Extra Emotional (sad or angry)
• Major changes in interests
Some Other Considerations:
• Identify students who need more support. These can include friends of a student who died by suicide, those who were in clubs or on teams with the deceased, and those who are dealing with life stressors similar to the stressors experienced by the deceased. Less obviously, peers who had unfriendly relationships with the deceased—including those who teased or bullied the deceased or were bullied by the deceased. These students may also have complicated feelings of guilt and regret that require extra support.
• Prevent imitation.  When talking to children, avoid graphic details and focus instead on hope, healing, and the value of the person when they were alive.  
• Minimize positive attention.  Acknowledging and mourning the death of a person without sensationalizing the cause of death.
• Choose words carefully.  Focus on positive aspects of the person’s life.
• Keep the lines of communication open. Help students identify adults they can trust and other resources they can draw on if they struggle with sadness or with their own suicidal feelings. Make sure students know where they can turn for help, not only after this loss, but in the months and years to come.
How you can Respond
If you notice any of these warning signs in anyone, you can help!
1. Ask if they are ok or if they are having thoughts of suicide
2. Express your concern about what you are observing in their behavior
3. Listen attentively and non-judgmentally
4. Reflect what they share and let them know they have been heard
5. Tell them they are not alone
6. Let them know there are treatments available that can help
7. If you are or they are concerned, guide them to additional professional help
8. Do not minimize their experience or invalidate their thoughts


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