Saturday, July 27, 2024

City Council approves Pateros Transportation Improvement District


PATEROS – City Council members voted to adopt an ordinance establishing the Pateros Transportation Benefit District (TBD) at its regular monthly meeting last Monday, Nov. 19. The TBD allows the city to impose an annual $20 vehicle fee to generate revenue for street, sidewalk, and trail maintenance and improvement.

In other business the city executed a professional services agreement with Barry Hansen for building inspector and code enforcement services. Hansen was one of two individuals interviewed to fill the vacant position.

Council members approved an operational agreement with the North Central Washington Narcotics Task Force and agreed to pay a 2019 participation fee of $2,300.

The city’s 2019 Operational Budget was approved in the amount of $6,061,773.00.

Council members approved a one percent increase in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) tax over the 2018 amount. The EMS tax was passed by Pateros voters in 2008. The allowable amount for 2019 is $26,393.

City Administrator and arborist Jord Wilson and the Tree Board comprised of Angela Van Eysinga, Brenda Brady, and Megan Sherrard presented the annual Tree Report as part of the Tree City USA program. The report noted that a large sycamore at Tennis Court Park had to be removed along with two other trees that interfered with a right-of-way. Commenting on the city’s new water system the report expressed hope “that the new system will provide water with less manganese which plugs sprinkler and dripper nozzles and is a general plague to irrigation systems.”

Council members approved the 2019 Fee Schedule that will include a 3.1 percent increase in water and sewer rates in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate. Added to the schedule this year under Section 5, Planning Fees is an Administrative Permit ($150), Franchise Permit ($250), and Excavation Permit ($10).

A public informational meeting was held prior to the regular council meeting to allow public review of the downtown well design for Pump Station 4.

Next month’s regular council meeting will start two hours earlier than usual, at 4 p.m., Monday, Dec. 17, to avoid conflict with the city Christmas Potluck scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Pateros Fire Station.


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