Sunday, October 6, 2024

COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD December 14 to January 10


Dec. 14, 16, 20-21

Senior meals served Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday at Senior Center and home delivery

 BREWSTER – The Senior Center is now serving meals at Noon, at the center on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays. Home delivered meals are delivered those same days. Call 509-826-7979 to reserve or cancel your meal. Suggested donation for those over age 60 is $4. For those 60 and under the cost is $10. Menu: Dec. 14: Lasagna, Mixed Vegetables, Caesar Salad, Pears, Garlic Bread, Dessert; Dec. 16: Clam Chowder, Turkey Sandwich, Cucumber Salad, Tropical Fruit, Dessert; Dec. 20: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, 7 Layer Salad, WW Roll, Apricot Crisp; Dec. 21: Roast Beef, Baked Potato, Green Bean Casserole, Mixed Greens Salad, Fruit Ambrosia, WW Roll, Special Dessert; CLOSED: Friday, Dec. 23.

Dec. 14

Brewster Chamber to meet

BREWSTER – The next general meeting of the Brewster Chamber of Commerce will be held Wednesday, December 14, 6 p.m. at the Senior Center, 109 Bridge Street. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. For information or Mike Mauk, 509-449-0605.

Dec. 14-17, 19-23

Senior Center Thrift Store, Tuesdays: Coffee, conversation

BREWSTER – The Brewster- Pateros-Bridgeport Senior Center Thrift Store is open Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come to the center on Tuesdays from 9:30-11 a.m. for coffee and conversation, plus sweets.Check out our great kids section. Donations accepted when they are open. They are also the Brewster Visitor Information Center and the Brewster Chamber of Commerce meeting room.

Dec. 14-15, 19-22

Serving Bridgeport, Mansfield, Orondo,  Chelan, Manson, Chelan Falls, Waterville, and Entiat

CHELAN - Give NCW is happening NOW through the end of the year. The Community Foundation of NCW has chosen Chelan Valley Hope as one of the GiveNCW nonprofits for their 2022 fundraising campaign. They are raising funds for “Raising Hope, Helping Families Out of Crisis”. Chelan Valley Hope’s Raising Hope fund offers a safety net for extraordinary needs for low-income families. This includes assistance with housing, homelessness prevention, medical, food, clothing, hygiene, coats, and more. The minimum donation is $10 and Give NCW takes care of the credit card fees, so 100% of your donation goes directly towards Raising Hope. Watch out for giving incentives such as Funday Monday. Each time you donate on a “Funday Monday” your name will be entered to win $1,000 to use on Give NCW any way you choose. To learn more visit or contact CVH at

Dec.15, Jan. 12

Brewster bus trips

BREWSTER – OCTN takes Brewster area resident to Wenatchee, second Thursday of the month. That next trip is Jan. 12. The bus starts picking folks up at their homes at 7:30 a.m. Riders may request  destination(s); medical appointments etc. On the third Thursday of each month, Dec. 14,  riders will be taken to Omak for the day. Riders request their destination(s). Wenatchee: $12/boarding for General Public, $6 suggested donation/day for Seniors (60 plus). Omak: $5.50/General Public, $2.75 suggested donation Seniors (60 plus). (509) 826-4391 to reserve your seat.

Dec. 15

Bingo every Thursday

BREWSTER - Bingo is held at the Brewster American Legion, every Thursday night at 6 p.m. It is open to public. Come early to purchase game packets and markers. Check out their Facebook page at American Legion Columbia Post 97 for more events.

Dec. 19

Family and friends Support Group

          WENATCHEE -  Family and friends Support Group meets the 3rd Monday of every month,  7-8:30 p.m., at Grace Lutheran Church, 1408 Washington Street, Wenatchee. For information, call 509-860-3620 or visit their website at:

Dec. 21

American Legion meetings

BREWSTER – Amercian Legion Post #97 current members meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Post. For information call Greg Wagg at 206-550-6474.

Dec. 27

 Bridgeport School District

BRIDGEPORT - The Bridgeport School District Board meets the last Monday of each month, at 6 p.m. in the Middle School commons.The meeting in December has been changed to December 27. Time and location remain the same.

Jan. 9

Okanogan County PUD meeting

OKANOGAN – The next meeting of the Okanogan County PUD Board of Commissioners is at 3 p.m. For more information okanoganpud.orgb

Jan. 9

Douglas County PUD meetings

EAST WENATCHEE – The next meeting of the Douglas County PUD Commission is at 1:30 p.m. in the East Wenatchee office.

Jan. 9

Okanogan County Fair Advisory Committee

OKANOGAN – The Okanogan County Fair Advisory Committee meets the second Monday of the month and is always looking for volunteers. The meetings are open to the public and begin at 6 p.m. in the Okanogan County Commissioners’ hearing room, 123 N. Fifth Ave., Okanogan.

Jan. 10

Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group

            WENATCHEE - Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month, 7-8:30 p.m., at Grace Lutheran Church, 1408 Washington Street, Wenatchee. For information, call 509-860-3620 or visit their website at:


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