Saturday, July 27, 2024

Parents, wake up


Comprehensive sex education (CSE) sounds vague enough, but what is it really? The Washington legislature is pushing CSE as the latest and greatest mandated sex education program for public school children from kindergarten to 12th grade. Mutual masturbation to condom and oral dam use will be taught in a classroom format. It claims to do so in an age appropriate, culturally neutral, scientific way. But why? Have parents been beating down the legislators’ and school boards’ doors demanding CSE? Have the schools made the programs easily accessible to parents so they can see what the Teacher’s Guide requires before the program is installed? Have there been public meetings where school board members answered questions from the public regarding this program?
The answer to all those questions for the Methow Valley School District is “NO”. No debate or open discussion prior to the Planned Parenthood Get Real program being accepted into our school district. Access to the 600+ page Get Real program is not easy. (It should be posted on the school district website, or at least the Teacher’s Guide should be.) The only school board meeting on CSE was a “listen only” meeting on Oct. 2019 where no questions were answered, and there have been no answers provided by the school board since.
Public school sex education is becoming a vehicle for teaching gender fluid ideology and indoctrinating children into sexual behaviors far beyond “age appropriate” or “culturally neutral”.
Parents, wake up.

Chrystal Perrow,


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