Friday, July 26, 2024

Pateros council revises city fee schedule, water usage minimum

Megan Sherrard resigns seat


PATEROS – Pateros City Council member Megan Sherrard announced her resignation from her council seat effective this month and plans to move out of the area. She was first appointed to the council in November 2014 to fill the vacancy left by Alex Hymer. As a member of both the Street and Parks and the Planning committees Sherrard’s most recent projects include planning the annual Arbor Day celebration and spearheading Family Movie Night that has turned into a popular summer attraction in the park.

Mayor Kelly Hook and the council expressed their gratitude for Sherrard’s years of service to the community.

Okanogan County Deputy Sheriff Dave Yarnell advised the council that the Sheriff’s Office has been asked by the City of Okanogan to provide animal control and code enforcement services to fill a recent vacancy in those posts. Yarnell said the City of Tonasket may also ask the Sheriff to fill the same role for it. Yarnell said that if the Sheriff’s Office gets three municipalities to request those services the Sheriff can justify a full-time officer to assume those duties.

The council also approved three resolutions and an ordinance:

            • Ordinance 804 amends section 13.04.390 of the Pateros Municipal Code (PMC) revising the gallons per month for minimum water service. Based on base rate research conducted on the cities of Okanogan, Omak, Brewster, Bridgeport, and Chelan it was recommended to change the Pateros base rate to 7,000 gallons with $1 per 1,000 gallons for additional usage. The current rate allows 8,000 gallons before $.86 is charged per 1,000 gallons used.

            • Resolution 2023-08 adopted the city’s updated 2023 fee schedule which added the permit fees needed for parking permits implemented by the council for designated sections in the city. The new permit fees listed under Section 8: Miscellaneous Administrative Fees include a two-year parking permit at $30 per vehicle, 1–14-day guest permit at $5 per vehicle, and $5 for a replacement permit.

            • Resolution 2023-09 approved an engineering services consultant agreement with Varela & Associates in the amount of $55,738 for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA improvement project. The Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) awarded the city $369,377 for ADA improvements in the downtown corridor. The city goal is to begin construction after the summer hydro event.

            • Resolution 2023-10 awarded $24,487.36 to Rains Contracting of Malott to fire hydrant repair on Warren Avenue. The hydrant in front of 470 Warren Avenue was damaged when a propane truck ran over it. Rains was the lowest of the contractors who submitted bids for the repair work.

City Administrator Jord Wilson reported that he submitted two federal grant requests through USDA Rural Development for a market study and the Pateros Mall Revitalization Design. Another request for a federal appropriation through Rep. Dan Newhouse’s office concerns revitalization plan construction dollars.

Wilson also requested a state highway department grant to fund an in-depth planning study of U.S. 97 where it passes through the city. Concerns include safety and vehicle speeds, pedestrian crossings, and downtown access.

Work that began on the winter barn last fall has resumed.

In his monthly report on the Rock Garden Holdings development project of lots 56-63 along Commercial Avenue purchaser Chris Anderson said the architects have completed the building floor plans with construction drawings and civil engineer’s plan expected by the end of this month. A boundary line adjustment to revert the property back to eight single lots from one parcel has been submitted to the county.

The solar project at the city reservoir is 95 percent complete. Installation of remain parts expected arrive in the next couple of weeks will enable the project to be brought online.

In other business the council:

            •  Approved the annual Memorial Park Salmon Bake for June 23-24.

            •  Approved City Administrator Jord Wilson’s request to apply for a DNR Tree Grant – with a 50 percent city match - for Warren Avenue trees and irrigation.

            •  Set an April 17 public hearing and budget amendment for increasing compensation for training and calls for volunteer firemen. The city currently pays $5 per training and $10 per city call. The new compensation would be $8 per training and $15 per city call to match the Douglas Okanogan Fire District 15 pay level.

            •  Set an April 17 public hearing to change city office hours from its current 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. to 7 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

            •   Upgraded the city website to Revise, a nationwide government website host, in place of Earth & Sky.



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