Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thanks for your leadership President Trump



Not too many readers are left that can remember WWII or Korea, but I still want to spread the breaking news to those that have been sleeping, guess what - we are still in Japan, Korea, Italy, Germany, Spain, England, etc.

So why are so many anti-military liberals and hawkish conservatives complaining about President Donald Trump pulling out of Syria?
We should not still be in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc., but we are.

If Trump doesn't get us out now, the generals would keep us in Syria for the next 50 or more years. That's correct.
World War II ended over 70 years ago, but we are still protecting and using these countries as "allies" whether they like it or not (read "forward American bases)."

Call me an isolationist, but too much of our tax money and human treasure is being wasted while these countries prosper. The modern world is as much about cyberspace as the old world was about geographic hegemony perpetrated by the old guard's inherent racism by the European powers.

I suppose it is certainly a way to enamor the world to the U.S., unfortunately it also causes resentment among them, as we will always be bigger, richer, stronger and more strong-willed than they.

Both fear and worship rule our days, so strike for a nerve and don't be wimpish in your pleadings: Read me! Read me!

Appeal to ancient instincts of mankind, as represented in the reptilian brain, controlling the body's heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance.

Radio relies on sounds. Television on sights. Newspapers make people think and read and participate, so we are forced to also make the reptilian brain play along for a whole personhood experience. The reader should be fully engaged.

We are aiming for a quick body blow to the frontal cortex.

In mammalian brain anatomy, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the cerebral cortex which covers the front part of the frontal lobe.

The cerebral cortex is usually considered in the performance of high-level cognitive function, including attention, working memory and social-emotional evaluation of various stimuli.

It is 100% natural for military folks to want to keep their star in the ascendency at all times. Thus when Trump announced a sudden withdrawal from Syria, it's only 2,000 men, the extreme right went nuts.

I'd like the American people to see how easy military intervention escalates, almost organically. Look at Vietnam, it started with a small group of advisors and a ridiculous foreign policy. It is unrealistic to think we could be the world's policemen.

Yet, many Americans think it is just fine to be in Afghanistan for the last 17 years. Only the extreme outsider, Donald Trump, has had the guts to buck the system and, I paraphrase "get us the hell outta there" (Saving Private Ryan).

He hid in plain sight and didn't get put in Vietnam, but yet he is taking our folks "outta there" and that is the most blessed way to celebrate the holy season. We need less troops around the world and not more.

He is even contemplating getting out of Afghanistan, cutting the number of troops in half.

If he didn't do this, future leaders would eventually end up with a permanent detachment in Syria, perhaps a division of 20,000 troops, without too much complaint from Congress because one should never argue with the generals.

Afghanistan will eventually morph into another Korea, where we never leave.

The generals will invariably invoke the spectres of all wars past. It is a time proven strategy, meant to scare the beejeebers outta the public and foster a feeling of patriotism in many others.

Make love not war.

We need these kids at home going to college, working farms, fixing cars, engineering bridges, manning the factories (they're getting scarcer), becoming teachers, garbagemen and bakers.

Yes, a few of them will commit crimes, go on welfare or fail in their chosen careers, but we owe it to them and future generations to give them better choices than "a call to arms."


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