Sunday, May 5, 2024

America's course for the next 50 years?

See cultural parallels from 100 years ago


In 1917 a lot of things were happening in America. We entered World War I. Our culture was rapidly changing with the advent of the fully mechanized era. Many new laws entered the books and many crucial domestic battles were fought about alcohol, women's rights, racial tensions. When those vets came home there were riots over getting the benefits they were promised.
In 2018 we have racial problems everywhere. We have women's rights being belittled by pig-like men who abuse them and disrespect them and yet are in the top echelon of society.
We are still fighting a war that started when most high schoolers were just born. Our culture is changing with the advent of the fully computerized world. Our vets come home to a sometimes inept VA and and overall apathy from those who never served or can find Afghanistan on a map.
Yet, I look around and understand the obvious, that the youngsters are closer to seizing power than we give them credit for.
The status quo always thinks it will never be replaced and then it is.
Soon will be a time and a culture of party registration becoming meaningless and all be independents of various stripes and we will evolve (or devolve) into the European multi-party system. In Europe and elsewhere in the world, several parties must form alliances and form a coalition built on specific issues in order to have enough power to run a majority government.
They may even refer to the smaller coalitions as the "loyal opposition." Usually the majority coalition gets to choose the prime minister and most of the cabinet, but not all. The cabinet is where real compromise starts as various factions must be included in order for them to have sufficient skin in the game to make it worth their while.
The American system will eventually end up just like this.
Thanks to the 18-40 year olds, the NRA, abortion and women's rights and myriad other issues, our nation will be divided in many ways.
As a friendly reminder, it is still "one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all" even if those who act "Godless" are growing.
The opportunity for the GOP to truly make its tent bigger and also for millions of working-poor and lower middle class to form their own party is huge.
The Greens, the Libertarians, the Communists, Socialist Labor, etc., can all become players as the main two parties destroy each other with extreme wing confrontations that aren't necessary.
I have always been a moderate, whether registered as a Dem or GOP. My sadness is that few candidates cater to those in the middle anymore and seem to prefer pandering to their far left or right bases. If the GOP and the Dems want to stay relevant they will have to allow moderates to have a piece of the agenda moving forward.
If the status quo doesn't wake up, it will become as outdated as a dial phone hooked to a land line. I'll betcha Ma Bell or AT&T never thought that would happen to them?
Life, thanks to the importation of Chinese goods, has become cheaper to live, but that cheapness means no more Americans are employed in various crafts such as upholstery or TV repair. Just throw the darn couch and TV out.
Who will fix my future broken toasters, coffee makers and microwaves? Nobody will. Just throw it out.
Why are public schools abandoned instead of fixed? Because too many people of lower education level are needed to perform a great deal of jobs that do not require two masters degrees and an internship. Higher education has been oversold as the answer to everything for at least three decades now. The truth is we need lower paid laborers too. That's the truth behind the importation of immigrants, legal or not.
Why are newspapers failing all over America? The young don't read things on paper anymore, only on computer screens. Newspapers with web sites understand that and will remain solvent.
For my part, I am happy email and computers have replaced hand written letters and graph paper with hot wax to hold down the copy before sending it to the press. I am mostly happy that digital cameras have dropped the cost of using real film to shoot photos by a few hundred percent.
What makes me sad is that I wish I were 30 years younger so as to enjoy the excitement that will become America by 2026. That's only eight years away, enough time to form the political minds and attitudes of the kids now in grade school.
They will see their older brothers and sisters dancing to the sound of a different drum and they too will help crush beneath their millions of feet today's arrogant leaders and their preconceptions into oblivion.
The future looks bright, eh? Have a nice day and remember to "govern yourself accordingly." That's the way a lot of lawsuits sound in over-litigious America.
Study Kierkegaard and Sartre and create your own American existentialism. We have no need to keep the relics of the past if those relics will end our future. Say goodbye to the "blankie" of your childhood. It is time to rise and be mature adults. America depends on its young growing up sooner than later.
A president under 50? Why not by 2024?

Apples to Apples, Gary Begin


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