Thursday, May 2, 2024

Tree Nazis and other Fascista



I was recently berated by a "tree Nazi." They are hard to miss and hard to take and leave a feeling of bewilderment and anger in their wake as do all fascista.

He demanded I cut three trees in front of my house. At this moment they are teaming with baby birds and the continuous coming and going of the parents feeding them incessantly, obsessively, but lovingly.

Parents mostly try hard to ensure the survival of their offspring, but there comes a time to kick them out of the nest for their own good. Tough love as practiced by the birds, ancestors to the dinosaurs. We're talking millions of years of survival skills.

If mankind wants to stick around, fascism must be examined as a cause for over-stressing the population as a whole and particularly causing certain groups to get their knickers in a bunch.

I won't cut them down out of principle. I bought the house with them and I intend to sell the house with them.

Problem is, I live in a mobile home park, Highland Terrace on 9th Street in East Wenatchee. It is for "old folks" 55+.

I own my double-wide, but must pay rent and apparently fealty, to some rich Westsider who inherited the place from his dad.

The family also practices "water Nazism" as evidenced by the fact that the public irrigation water has not been provided to the park residents yet because the park's pump is broken. I am writing this on April 8, far enough into the nice weather that park residents ought to be able to water their plants, flowers and  ... trees.

There's that 5 letter word again ... trees. The rich Westsiders are against residents actually using metered water because they have to pay the water bill, however the irrigation water is free and is pumped up from the mighty Columbia via canals that pepper this beautiful town.

That means the landlord and his offspring could care less about the tribe members in "Pangborn City" or our plants, etc.

At the exact same time the residents are berated by a notice on the park bulletin board that "Spring is here and all must clean their yards."

Rake away, rake away, put your backs into it my serfs. I will be by every month to collect my share of your labors. The dilemma of the rich: How do we control "the masses" and keep them bending to our will? Read the works of Mussolini, Franco and Hitler, but don't leave out the ruthless communist Joseph Stalin, and find out how many were murdered by these "beneficent tyrants.'    

Americans are, by definition and from its founding, a tolerant people who listen to several points of view before shooting each other to death or running them over with cars.

In the words of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, this dilemma is syndrome of: "Too late to leave the change, too late to pay."

It is also known as "brain freeze" like when eating ice cream or a Slurpee.

To unlock this disfiguring and painful intellectual spasm, one must allow distribution of words said aloud, as well as those printed and disseminated including words one fundamentally disagrees with.

It is that simple. We must tolerate others to flourish, not attempt to squelch free speech. It is happening all around us by the extreme left. It may surprise people reading this that I am comparing fascists to leftwing ideologues, but I am.

I highly recommend the 2009 bestselling book by Jonah Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left."

Remember I included Stalin as a fascist and yet we consider communists as far left, hence "liberal fascism."

Is my rich landlord, the Westsider, actually a so-called Liberal-Fascist? I know he is, but he will never see it that way.

He thinks his serfs have little or nothing to say in their lives about his edicts. I am sure his front yard abounds with trees, flowers or plants. One day when I am growing my own bananas, he will come around as a starving monkey and beg I throw him one. Perhaps my compassion will make me do so or will I become a food Nazi once I am in charge of the universe?

On that same day, pigs will fly and Trump will voluntarily release his taxes.

Ever since the first man climbed out of the first tree on those African plains eons ago, he has sought shelter from the rain.

We must band together in a spirit of tolerance to create the umbrella under which our future will thrive. Stop evil in its tracks, but keep your own counsel as it pertains to your own reality.

I pray it will be thus, at least until my all too soon dirt nap arrives.


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