Friday, May 3, 2024

Trumps travel restrictions


Recently Tracy Warner wrote an anti-president Trump article that is full of falsehoods, emotional hyperbole, incorrect information, wrong analysis, conclusions and anti-Trump prejudice. I will be charitable to Tracy and assume that he is just ignorant of the constitution and the below law that allows any president to control immigration, instead of mendacity. Even some judges try to change the law instead of upholding it, such is not their legal role. Some facts to ponder;
  1. The McCarren-Walter act of 1952 aka the Immigration and Naturalization Law gives any president the complete authority to ban any individual or any class of individuals from entry into the USA if he deems it to be a detriment to this country. If you don't believe me then go look it (and the constitution) up for yourself. You can google it if you like.
  2. President Jimmy Carter banned all Iranians from immigrating here under this law after Iran's takeover of our embassy in Iran and they were all Muslims.
  3. American constitutional rights do not extend to or apply to foreign nationals and they do not have a "right" to come here and can be legally denied under this constitutional law. Once we descend down the slippery slope of substituting emotional analysis for the laws passed by Congress we are in deep trouble and firmly on the road to chaos, tyranny and violence.  President Trump has fully complied with the applicable law and it will be upheld on appeal. A politically biased three judge panel of the " ninth jerkit court of schlemiels " illegally ruled against Trumps ban without even considering the law and they will surely be overturned again on appeal, Jay Inslee and Bob Ferguson notwithstanding.
  4. President Obama designated these seven countries (now six) as "hotbeds of terrorism that cannot be effectively vetted" as they can make phony emigration documents and ID's and they support radical Islamic terrorism. ISIS has publicly warned us that they will infiltrate the refugee emigrants coming here to kill us.
  5. President Trump is right and has the law on his side. Trumps executive orders are legal. Trumps travel restriction is not a Muslim ban, it is to protect our country from being attacked by these "radical Islamic terrorists".
      Even if President Trump or any other president banned all Muslims from coming to the USA they would be acting within the scope of the McCarren - Walter immigration law and our constitution.
    Islam is not a religion of peace, it is a "religion" of war and submission to it by force. The actual definition of the word "Islam" is submission. Only 14% of Islam is about religion, the rest of it dictates every aspect of a Muslims life (political, military, educational, dress code and everything else). Islam is in fact a violent governmental cult that propagates itself by violence, it is not a legitimate "religion" and I can prove it to you if you will listen.
  I strongly urge you to go to HYPERLINK "" and you will understand Islam from the viewpoint of Kamal Saleem who was raised as a radical Islamic terrorist from the age of six years old and engaged in jihad, killing Jews and Christians in the Mideast. As a young man he immigrated to America to kill more Christians, Jews and Americans. After an almost fatal car crash he was helped by Christians and he converted to Christianity, after he became suicidal and was visited by Jesus Christ in a vision. Kamal Saleems' story is a very compelling one and is extremely important in educating non Muslims (that's infidels like you and me)  about just what Islam really is. Islam’s holy book, the Koran, demands that Muslims convert all infidels or kill them. Please-- don't believe me, but do go to Kamals' website and learn the truth, as the truth shall set you free, instead of the emotional propaganda.
  Trumps idea of creating defended safe zones in Syria so the innocent people can be protected there instead of bringing them here is the right one. His opposition to bringing Syrian Muslim refugees here is common sense. Hopefully Trumps approach will dump cold water on the galacticly stupid and asinine  idea of bringing these refugees to Leavenworth, WA, as is promoted by two local churches. Please go to HYPERLINK "" and learn the truth.

God Bless you.
Bill Cowles

Letters to editor, bill cowles, trump, travel restriction


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