Friday, May 3, 2024

We all have a plan ... until ...


Life goes along and things go badly or well or, for most of us, somewhere always in between.

Eventually life’s patterns are realized and people, logical ones that is, begin to plan their futures and start dreaming of better days ahead.
Mother Nature, Father Time or the Devil and his Details come calling one day and it is time to start dancing for your dinner and it better be to their tune.

As Mike Tyson, the former legendary heavyweight boxing champion of the world used to say, “Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the face.”

How true. I’d like to apply that principle to two things in my life beginning with local and expanding upwards towards national issues.

1) I recently came in contact with a Wenatchee single mother of four who was just told by her sympathetic landlord that he had to raise the rent $75 starting August 1. In his own words: “I have to pay for a new school.”

That new school was mandated by a property levy. This should be a warning to all the left wing-nuts that those who rent will also suffer from higher taxes on “rich people who own things” (like real property).

The so-called Rich People are just like you and me but, God forbid, they have the nerve to have invested in property and, gadzooks! attempted to make a profit on their investment.

The landlord continued, “My property taxes went up nearly double.”

Another example of pie-in-the-sky liberal thinking. Bleed the “rich” and make all others happy.

So go right ahead all you youthful and even older renters, vote for the “Bleed the Rich Plan” and then watch it boomerang back in your Middle Class faces.

This crude exercise in capitalism even impacts those who own condos or belong to homeowner associations because the monthly membership, maintenance and fees for the “rainy day fund” will all rise like a gallery for a judge.

Why don’t we also add in the cost  for those of us who live Mobile Home Parks. They will be paying more for lot rent.

2) Now, for my second shocking revelation: President Trump is right in insisting on a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.

Americans are already over obligated by government mandates to provide services for illegal immigrants in every community.

In both Red and Blue districts, caring for thousands of illegal immigrants will become law. Levies from every special district will rise. Only bad things happen when Uncle Sam gets out in front of his skis as in this promise to care for the world.

Our large and small municipalities will become caretakers for those who, not only broke the law getting here, but are now milking the richest nation in the world for everything America has to offer.

When these illegals get their Green Card and then citizenship, it will add millions of other fish to the safety net that Social Security was meant to be causing it to rip open. The bottom will fall out of the American economy.

We need to know now who our citizens are so we can get rid of the rest.

If we don’t act, the next depression will be upon us. Only counted citizens should receive benefits from our taxes via government services.

I have great faith that religious and other non-governmental charitable organizations will help those non-citizens in need.

Ironically, these organizations rely on generous grants from Foundations and Charitable Trusts. Those same groups are established by Rich People and Rich Corporations.

Thus, the left wins again, but Socialism ‘s ultimate victory depends on the very people attacked every day as the Devil Incarnate, America’s successful Capitalists.

I bet there aren’t 11 million people living in Russia, China, Canada or Great Britain illegally, sucking the life out of those economies. So, is deportation the only solution? Maybe.

I think I’ll start investing in Greyhound Bus Lines real soon.


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