Saturday, May 4, 2024

Who is going to save the Democrat party?

In My Opinion


Every day it seems there is a new Democrat announcing their intention to run for President. Problem is the collection of the uninformed, misinformed and just plain angry opponents of President Trump aren’t offering any realistic solutions to our problems. In fact most of them are just plain insane.

One of the most insane early joiners is our own Governor Jay Inslee. Inslee has decided to jump into the fray in order to save us all from the ravages of Climate Change. It’s interesting that having failed to get his Carbon Tax initiatives through the liberal wet-side legislature he went to the people who also soundly rejected his plan. Now, he thinks he can win the Presidency with an Al Gore style campaign.

Those that read my column regularly, know that I am a climate change denier. Truth is every year the “great consensus” is losing steam. The majority of scientists do not agree and in fact there is a growing number of highly qualified scientists who say the issue is not just overblown, it is factually false and likely to lead to policies that are actually more harmful to the human condition on this planet.

Let’s start with the problem of Carbon Dioxide. Greenies say excessive CO2 is causing global warming which will result in the melting of the polar icecaps. But a growing number of climate scientists are now saying we are in a CO2 draught, causing excessive strain on plants and trees. Plants require carbon dioxide. They take it in and give off oxygen. Oxygen is essential to human life. In fact, it is essential to all animal life.

I know my greenie friends will be screaming about now that I need to give them some facts. The reality is it won’t make any difference to most of them because they have already concluded life on earth will end in 12 years. If that’s true then we should all quit working give everybody a guaranteed income then sit back and enjoy the few years remaining on good old planet earth.

The entire concept of global climate change is the perfect storm politicians need in order to sell their insatiable drive for control over our lives. We should all start questioning their motives when their primary campaign message is based on fear. Especially when it requires us to surrender our individual freedom so they can save us from some great catastrophe.

Governor Jay Inslee is no great savior. If he was he would recognize the facts behind global climate change are highly questionable at best. Inslee is nothing more than a political opportunist who sees a climate crisis as a way for him to advance his political career.

If he were a true leader, Inslee would sue Washington State University for failing to properly educate him on basic science. But of course that would require him to actually do some research and find out the truth about the great climate change hoax.

It is time for “we the people” to reject the fear mongering for big government solutions to non-problems. America is the best thing that has happened to good old planet earth. We can clean up our air and water. We can find efficient ways to manage our natural resources that improve life not restrain life.

President Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, once said “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Today what voters should fear most are the uninformed or manipulative Democrats of the left who need to make us increasingly fearful.

Inslee is not an inspirational leader. Be afraid, be very afraid.


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